How is scaling their integration marketplace with Cobalt

"Cobalt empowers to deliver unparalleled AI experiences effortlessly"

"Cobalt's flexibility and extensive library of integrations have been invaluable to We can now confidently meet the diverse needs of our users, knowing that Cobalt has our back. The ease of use and minimal development effort required has allowed our team to focus on what truly matters: delivering an unparalleled AI experience to our customers."

Brent Wade
Director of Engineering,

About, a conversational AI software that revolutionizes artificial intelligence interaction, is a game-changing tool. It is the only conversational AI in the World that can make full-length phone conversations lasting from 10 to 40 minutes while sounding like real humans. Unlike other chatbots, which are limited to scripted replies, excels at natural, adaptive dialogs. It understands context, intention, and sentiment with remarkable precision.

We sat with Caleb and Brent, Director of Engineering, to understand their problem statement and integrations need.

The Problem: Integration for AI Model Training, found itself at a crossroads when its users began requesting seamless integration between their preferred CRM applications and the platform. 

Growing Demand for CRM Integrations

As's user base grew, so did the demand for integrating various CRM applications with their platform.

Users wanted:

  • Syncing Contacts: Integrations with CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, and HighLevel (GHL).
  • Streamlining Workflows: Leveraging AI to make processes smoother and more efficient.

Challenges in AI Model Training

A critical challenge faced was integrating various data sources necessary for AI model training. The effectiveness of AI models depends heavily on the quality and comprehensiveness of the data they are trained on. 

For, this meant:

  • Accessing diverse data points from multiple CRM systems and other business applications.
  • Ensuring AI models could deliver accurate and actionable insights.

Without seamless integrations,'s ability to gather and utilize data for AI model training would be significantly hampered. 

This was:

  • Affecting the quality of their AI solutions.
  • Limit their potential to innovate and meet the evolving needs of their users.

Solution: Exploring Integration

In-house development vs Third-party embedded iPaaS solution

Initially, considered building these integrations in-house. However, quickly realized that building and maintaining these integrations in-house would be challenging.

They identified challenges such as:

  • Time-Consuming: Developing from scratch would delay their go-to-market strategy.
  • Scalability Issues: Managing an increasing number of integrations internally would be challenging.
  • Resource Intensive: Significant development resources would be required.
  • Advanced Orchestrations Needed: Tasks like adding notes to CRMs post-call and fetching GHL calendars for appointments would demand substantial effort.

To address these challenges, decided to explore third-party embedded iPaaS solutions providers. 

Evaluation of Embedded iPaaS: Partnering with Cobalt

During their evaluation process, assessed multiple embedded iPaaS solutions. 

The key criteria for evaluation included:

  • Support for Niche Applications: Many integration providers did not offer support for niche applications like GHL, which was crucial for's user base.
  • Ease of Implementation: The solution needed to be easy to implement with minimal disruption to's operations.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: The ability to scale and adapt to future integration needs was a critical consideration.

After a thorough evaluation, chose Cobalt as their embedded iPaaS provider. 

Cobalt stood out for several reasons:

  • Comprehensive Support: Including niche applications like GHL.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to implement with minimal disruption.
  • Real-Time Support: Dedicated account manager for prompt assistance.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Adaptable to future integration needs.

The Implementation Journey with Cobalt

"Partnering with Cobalt has been a game-changer for Their platform has allowed us to quickly implement integrations with various CRM applications, without putting a strain on our engineering resources. The support we've received from the Cobalt team has been exceptional, and we look forward to leveraging their expertise as we continue to grow and innovate."  said Caleb, partnered with Cobalt to embark on a swift and efficient implementation process. Despite encountering some technical backlogs and challenges, such as:

  • Clarifying UI elements.
  • Creating developer accounts for OAuth.

The actual integration and testing process was remarkably smooth. 

Cobalt's platform allowed to:

  • Implement Necessary Integrations: With minimal development effort.
  • Reduce Engineering Burden: Allowing the team to focus on core product development.
  • Round-the-Clock Support: Ensuring prompt issue resolution.

Overall, the implementation journey was smooth. With the help of Cobalt, quickly set up demanded CRM integration, enhancing their platform’s capabilities without diverting resources from core product development.

The Outcome

Although the integrated CRM applications have not yet gone live, the benefits of partnering with Cobalt are already evident. By leveraging Cobalt's platform, has:

  • Reduced Engineering Time: Focus shifts back to core product enhancements and innovation.
  • Expanded Integration Library: Including rare applications like GHL, meeting diverse user needs.
  • Future-Proof Flexibility: Ready to handle new integration requests with ease

The Future of Integration at is excited about the future possibilities with Cobalt. With their support, can:

  • Quickly Adapt to Changes: Easily make version changes and modify orchestrations.
  • Maintain Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of industry trends and evolving user needs.
  • Focus on Core Competencies: Delivering cutting-edge AI solutions without getting bogged down by integration challenges.'s success with Cobalt has also paved the way for future integrations. As they continue to grow and expand their user base, knows that they can rely on Cobalt to provide the necessary integration support, no matter how niche or complex the requirements may be. This peace of mind allows to focus on what they do best: delivering cutting-edge AI solutions that transform the way businesses operate.

Takeaways's partnership with Cobalt showcases the power of collaboration and the importance of choosing the right integration partner. By leveraging Cobalt's embedded iPaaS platform, has overcome integration challenges, reduced engineering time, and positioned itself for future growth and success. This strategic move not only addresses current user needs but also sets the stage for ongoing innovation. With Cobalt's support, is poised to redefine the landscape of AI-powered solutions, one integration at a time.

Ready to supercharge your integrations? Discover how Cobalt can help you scale effortlessly and focus on what you do best!

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