ActiveCommerce API

By Abhishek Kumar
4 min read

Table of Contents

Integrated email marketing, marketing automation, and small business CRM. Save time while growing your business with sales automation.

API Overview

ActiveCampaign is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation platform designed for small businesses and entrepreneurs. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for managing contacts, email marketing, automation, sales, and reporting. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, ActiveCampaign helps businesses streamline their marketing and sales processes, nurture leads, and improve customer engagement.

ActiveCampaign's API overview provides developers with a robust set of resources for integrating with the platform. The extensive documentation includes detailed guides, code samples, and tutorials to facilitate seamless integration. The REST APIs enable developers to access and manipulate data, automate tasks, and extend the functionality of ActiveCampaign. Webhooks allow for real-time notifications of events, enabling developers to respond to changes and trigger automated actions. To ensure optimal performance, ActiveCampaign implements rate limits to manage API usage and prevent overloading. By leveraging these APIs, developers can create custom integrations, enhance existing applications, and unlock the full potential of ActiveCampaign's platform.

API Request Limits


10 requests per second


30 requests per second


60 requests per second


120 requests per second


240 requests per second




Method: get

Description: Get a contact by ID..

Endpoint: contacts/{contactId}

Parameters: contactId


Method: post

Description: Create a contact..

Endpoint: contacts

Parameters: firstName, lastName, email


Method: put

Description: Update a contact..

Endpoint: contacts/{contactId}

Parameters: contactId, firstName, lastName, email


Method: delete

Description: Permanently deletes a contact. This is an irreversible operation..

Endpoint: contacts/{contactId}

Parameters: contactId


Method: patch

Description: Update a portion of a contact's information..

Endpoint: contacts/{contactId}

Parameters: contactId, firstName, lastName, email

Contact Groups

Method: get

Description: Get a list of contact groups..

Endpoint: contactGroups

Parameters: page, pageSize, sortBy, sortOrder

Contact Groups

Method: post

Description: Create a contact group..

Endpoint: contactGroups

Parameters: name

Contact Groups

Method: put

Description: Update a contact group..

Endpoint: contactGroups/{contactGroupId}

Parameters: contactGroupId, name

Contact Groups

Method: delete

Description: Delete a contact group..

Endpoint: contactGroups/{contactGroupId}

Parameters: contactGroupId

Contact Groups

Method: patch

Description: Update a portion of a contact group's information..

Endpoint: contactGroups/{contactGroupId}

Parameters: contactGroupId, name

Contact Tags

Method: get

Description: Get a list of contact tags..

Endpoint: contactTags

Parameters: page, pageSize, sortBy, sortOrder

Contact Tags

Method: post

Description: Create a contact tag..

Endpoint: contactTags

Parameters: name

Contact Tags

Method: put

Description: Update a contact tag..

Endpoint: contactTags/{contactTagId}

Parameters: contactTagId, name

Contact Tags

Method: delete

Description: Delete a contact tag..

Endpoint: contactTags/{contactTagId}

Parameters: contactTagId

Contact Tags

Method: patch

Description: Update a portion of a contact tag's information..

Endpoint: contactTags/{contactTagId}

Parameters: contactTagId, name


Method: get

Description: Retrieves a list of deals..

Endpoint: deals

Parameters: page, pageSize, sortBy, sortOrder


Method: post

Description: Create a new deal..

Endpoint: deals

Parameters: contact, stageId, pipelineId, name, value, currency, closeDate, duration


Method: put

Description: Update a deal..

Endpoint: deals/{dealId}

Parameters: dealId, contact, stageId, pipelineId, value, currency, closeDate, duration, status


Method: delete

Description: Delete an existing deal. This cannot be undone..

Endpoint: deals/{dealId}

Parameters: dealId


Method: patch

Description: Update a portion of a deal..

Endpoint: deals/{dealId}

Parameters: dealId, contact, stageId, pipelineId, value, currency, closeDate, duration

Deal Statuses

Method: get

Description: Retrieve a list of deal statuses..

Endpoint: dealStatuses

Parameters: page, pageSize, sortBy, sortOrder

Deal Statuses

Method: post

Description: Create a new deal status..

Endpoint: dealStatuses

Parameters: pipelineId, name, color

Deal Statuses

Method: put

Description: Update a deal status..

Endpoint: dealStatuses/{dealStatusId}

Parameters: dealStatusId, name, color

Deal Statuses

Method: delete

Description: Deletes an existing deal status. This cannot be undone..

Endpoint: dealStatuses/{dealStatusId}

Parameters: dealStatusId

Deal Statuses

Method: patch

Description: Update a portion of a deal status..

Endpoint: dealStatuses/{dealStatusId}

Parameters: dealStatusId, name, color

Deal Stages

Method: get

Description: Retrieve a list of deal stages..

Endpoint: dealStages

Parameters: pipelineId, page, pageSize, sortBy, sortOrder

Deal Stages

Method: post

Description: Create a new deal stage..

Endpoint: dealStages

Parameters: pipelineId, name, order

Deal Stages

Method: put

Description: Update a deal stage..

Endpoint: dealStages/{dealStageId}

Parameters: dealStageId, name, order

Deal Stages

Method: delete

Description: Deletes a deal stage. This cannot be undone..

Endpoint: dealStages/{dealStageId}

Parameters: dealStageId

Deal Stages

Method: patch

Description: Update a portion of a deal stage..

Endpoint: dealStages/{dealStageId}

Parameters: dealStageId, name, order

Email Automation

Method: get

Description: Get information about an email automation..

Endpoint: emailAutomations/{emailAutomationId}

Parameters: emailAutomationId

Email Automation

Method: post

Description: Creates a new email automation..

Endpoint: emailAutomations

Parameters: name, subject, fromEmail, fromName, replyToEmail, htmlContent, plaintextContent, brandId

Email Automation

Method: put

Description: Updates an automation..

Endpoint: emailAutomations/{emailAutomationId}

Parameters: emailAutomationId, name, subject, fromEmail, fromName, replyToEmail, htmlContent, plaintextContent, brandId

Email Automation

Method: delete

Description: Deletes an email automation..

Endpoint: emailAutomations/{emailAutomationId}

Parameters: emailAutomationId

Email Automation

Method: patch

Description: Updates an automation..

Endpoint: emailAutomations/{emailAutomationId}

Parameters: emailAutomationId, name, subject, fromEmail, fromName, replyToEmail, htmlContent, plaintextContent

Email Campaigns

Method: get

Description: Get information about an email campaign..

Endpoint: emailCampaigns/{emailCampaignId}

Parameters: emailCampaignId

Email Campaigns

Method: post

Description: Create a new email campaign..

Endpoint: emailCampaigns

Parameters: name, subject, fromEmail, fromName, replyToEmail, htmlContent, plaintextContent, brandId

Email Campaigns

Method: put

Description: Update an email campaign..

Endpoint: emailCampaigns/{emailCampaignId}

Parameters: emailCampaignId, name, subject, fromEmail, fromName, replyToEmail, htmlContent, plaintextContent, brandId

Email Campaigns

Method: delete

Description: Delete an email campaign..

Endpoint: emailCampaigns/{emailCampaignId}

Parameters: emailCampaignId

Email Campaigns

Method: patch

Description: Update an email campaign..

Endpoint: emailCampaigns/{emailCampaignId}

Parameters: emailCampaignId, name, subject, fromEmail, fromName, replyToEmail, htmlContent, plaintextContent


What is the base URL for the ActiveCampaign API?

How do I authenticate to the API?

You can authenticate using an API key or OAuth 2.0.

What are the rate limits for the API?

The rate limits vary depending on the endpoint. Check the documentation for specific limits.

How can I test my API integrations without affecting my live data?

You can use a sandbox account, which allows you to test your integrations in a separate environment.

What is the difference between a Developer Account and a Production Account?

A Developer Account is a free account that allows you to test the API and develop integrations. A Production Account is a paid account that allows you to use the API in your live environment.

Last Update: September 13, 2024