Table of Contents
With AdRoll's AI-driven marketing software, you can get sophisticated audience targeting, cross-channel engagement, advanced measurement, and attribution, all in one place. Build brand customers' love, turn more visitors into customers, and grow customer loyalty with AdRoll’s growth platform.
API Overview
Adroll is a powerful marketing platform that empowers businesses to engage with their target audience effectively. It offers a comprehensive suite of advertising solutions, including display, video, social, and email marketing. With Adroll, businesses can create and manage campaigns, track their performance, and optimize their strategies to maximize ROI. Its user-friendly interface, advanced targeting capabilities, and robust reporting tools make it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. Adroll's mission is to help businesses grow by connecting them with the right customers at the right time.
Adroll's API provides a comprehensive set of REST APIs that enable developers to programmatically interact with the Adroll platform. The API documentation is extensive and provides clear instructions on how to use each API endpoint. The API supports various operations, including creating and managing campaigns, targeting audiences, tracking campaign performance, and retrieving reports. Adroll also offers Webhooks, which allow businesses to receive real-time notifications about specific events, such as campaign status changes or new conversions. To ensure the stability and reliability of the platform, Adroll implements rate limits to prevent excessive API usage. By leveraging Adroll's API, developers can automate tasks, integrate Adroll with other systems, and gain deeper insights into their marketing campaigns.
API Request Limits
Free Plan
100 requests per minute
Starter Plan
1,000 requests per minute
Professional Plan
5,000 requests per minute
Enterprise Plan
10,000 requests per minute
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of audiences that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/audiences
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new audience..
Endpoint: /api/v1/audiences
Parameters: audience_type, name, description
Method: put
Description: Updates an audience..
Endpoint: /api/v1/audiences/{audience_id}
Parameters: audience_type, name, description
Method: delete
Description: Deletes an audience..
Endpoint: /api/v1/audiences/{audience_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of campaigns that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/campaigns
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new campaign..
Endpoint: /api/v1/campaigns
Parameters: name, budget, campaign_type, start_date, end_date, audience_ids, interests, excluded_interests, keywords, excluded_keywords, publisher_contextual_segment_ids, excluded_publisher_contextual_segment_ids, placement_list
Method: put
Description: Updates a campaign..
Endpoint: /api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}
Parameters: name, budget, campaign_type, start_date, end_date, audience_ids, interests, excluded_interests, keywords, excluded_keywords, publisher_contextual_segment_ids, excluded_publisher_contextual_segment_ids, placement_list
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a campaign..
Endpoint: /api/v1/campaigns/{campaign_id}
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new conversion tag..
Endpoint: /api/v1/conversion_tracking/tags
Parameters: tag_name, tracking_code, custom_conversion_type, custom_conversion_value, enable_cpc
Method: put
Description: Updates a conversion tag..
Endpoint: /api/v1/conversion_tracking/tags/{tag_id}
Parameters: tag_name, tracking_code, custom_conversion_type, custom_conversion_value, enable_cpc
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a conversion tag..
Endpoint: /api/v1/conversion_tracking/tags/{tag_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of Floodlight configuration that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/floodlight/configurations
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new Floodlight configuration..
Endpoint: /api/v1/floodlight/configurations
Parameters: floodlight_configuration_name
Method: put
Description: Updates a Floodlight configuration..
Endpoint: /api/v1/floodlight/configurations/{floodlight_configuration_id}
Parameters: floodlight_configuration_name
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a Floodlight configuration..
Endpoint: /api/v1/floodlight/configurations/{floodlight_configuration_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of Floodlight conversion actions that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/floodlight/conversion_actions
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new Floodlight conversion action..
Endpoint: /api/v1/floodlight/conversion_actions
Parameters: conversion_action_name, attribution_model, conversion_type, group_id, floodlight_configuration_id, post_view_window_days, post_click_window_days
Method: put
Description: Updates a Floodlight conversion action..
Endpoint: /api/v1/floodlight/conversion_actions/{conversion_action_id}
Parameters: conversion_action_name, attribution_model, conversion_type, group_id, floodlight_configuration_id, post_view_window_days, post_click_window_days
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a Floodlight conversion action..
Endpoint: /api/v1/floodlight/conversion_actions/{conversion_action_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of geo locations that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/geolocations
Parameters: -
Method: put
Description: Updates a geo location..
Endpoint: /api/v1/geolocations/{geo_location_id}
Parameters: name, parent_location_id
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a geo location..
Endpoint: /api/v1/geolocations/{geo_location_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of interests that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/interests
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/lists
Parameters: list_name
Method: put
Description: Updates a list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/lists/{list_id}
Parameters: list_name
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/lists/{list_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of metrics that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/metrics
Parameters: -
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a placement..
Endpoint: /api/v1/placements/{placement_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of publishers that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/publishers
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a report..
Endpoint: /api/v1/reporting
Parameters: report_type, date_range, breakdown, columns, filters
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of segment lists that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/segment_lists
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of segments that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/segments
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new segment..
Endpoint: /api/v1/segments
Parameters: segment_name, definition_type, definition, exclude_type, exclude_definition, exclude_all, include_all, date_range
Method: put
Description: Updates a segment..
Endpoint: /api/v1/segments/{segment_id}
Parameters: segment_name, definition_type, definition, exclude_type, exclude_definition, exclude_all, include_all, date_range
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a segment..
Endpoint: /api/v1/segments/{segment_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of site lists that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/sitelists
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new site list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/sitelists
Parameters: site_list_name, description
Method: put
Description: Updates a site list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/sitelists/{site_list_id}
Parameters: site_list_name, description
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a site list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/sitelists/{site_list_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of strategies that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/strategies
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new strategy..
Endpoint: /api/v1/strategies
Parameters: strategy_name, pricing_model, creative_rotation, frequency_cap, optimization_objective, bid_adjustments, exclusions, dayparting
Method: put
Description: Updates a strategy..
Endpoint: /api/v1/strategies/{strategy_id}
Parameters: strategy_name, pricing_model, creative_rotation, frequency_cap, optimization_objective, bid_adjustments, exclusions, dayparting
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a strategy..
Endpoint: /api/v1/strategies/{strategy_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of traffic sources that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/traffic_sources
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of user lists that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/user_lists
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new user list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/user_lists
Parameters: user_list_name
Method: put
Description: Updates a user list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/user_lists/{user_list_id}
Parameters: user_list_name
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a user list..
Endpoint: /api/v1/user_lists/{user_list_id}
Parameters: -
Method: get
Description: Gets a list of video creatives that are accessible by the caller..
Endpoint: /api/v1/video
Parameters: -
Method: post
Description: Creates a new video creative..
Endpoint: /api/v1/video
Parameters: name, description, video_url, video_thumbnail_url, skippable, duration, video_preview_url, video_end_card_url
Method: put
Description: Updates a video creative..
Endpoint: /api/v1/video/{creative_id}
Parameters: name, description, video_url, video_thumbnail_url, skippable, duration, video_preview_url, video_end_card_url
Method: delete
Description: Deletes a video creative..
Endpoint: /api/v1/video/{creative_id}
Parameters: -
How do I get started with the Adroll APIs?
To get started, you'll need to create a free developer account at Once you have an account, you can request access to the APIs you want to use.
What are the rate limits for the Adroll APIs?
The rate limits for the Adroll APIs vary depending on the API. You can find the rate limits for each API in the API documentation.
How do I authenticate to the Adroll APIs?
You can authenticate to the Adroll APIs using OAuth2. You can find more information about authenticating to the APIs in the API documentation.
What is the difference between a sandbox account and a developer account?
A sandbox account is a test account that you can use to develop and test your integrations with the Adroll APIs. A developer account is a live account that you can use to manage your production integrations with the Adroll APIs.
How do I get support for the Adroll APIs?
You can get support for the Adroll APIs by posting a question on the Adroll Developer Forum or by contacting Adroll support.