Apollo API

By Sai Srujan Reddy
3 min read

Table of Contents

Apollo Data Graph Platform— unify APIs, microservices, and databases into a data graph that you can query with GraphQL.

API Overview

Apollo is a unified GraphQL platform that enables developers to build, manage, and consume GraphQL APIs. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools, including a GraphQL server, client libraries, and a cloud service, to streamline the development and operation of GraphQL applications. Apollo empowers developers to create scalable, efficient, and performant GraphQL APIs that seamlessly connect frontend and backend systems.

Apollo API overview: The Apollo platform offers a comprehensive set of APIs that enable developers to interact with the Apollo service and manage their GraphQL applications. These APIs include: 1) Documentation: Provides comprehensive documentation for all Apollo APIs, including API endpoints, request and response formats, and usage examples. 2) REST APIs: Allows developers to perform various operations through RESTful endpoints, such as creating and managing GraphQL schemas, deploying and managing GraphQL servers, and querying and mutating data. 3) Webhooks: Enables developers to subscribe to events and receive notifications when specific actions occur within their Apollo applications, such as schema changes or server deployments. 4) Rate limits: Enforces rate limits on API requests to prevent excessive usage and ensure fair access to the service.

API Request Limits


100 requests per second


1,000 requests per second


10,000 requests per second




Method: get

Description: Fetch data from the server in a flexible and efficient way..

Endpoint: /graphql

Parameters: apollo_headers, query, variables


Method: post

Description: Update your data using a flexible and safe API..

Endpoint: /graphql

Parameters: apollo_headers, query, variables


Method: get

Description: Get real-time updates from the server with GraphQL over WebSocket..

Endpoint: /graphql

Parameters: apollo_headers, query, variables


Method: get

Description: Get the schema of your server..

Endpoint: /graphql

Parameters: . introspection query


Method: post

Description: Upload a file using multipart form-data..

Endpoint: /graphql

Parameters: apollo_headers, operations, map

Persisted Queries

Method: get

Description: Use a stored.

Endpoint: checksummed query to reduce payload size.

Parameters: /graphql


Method: post

Description: Send multiple queries in a single request..

Endpoint: /graphql

Parameters: apollo_headers, queries

LRO (Long-Running Operations)

Method: post

Description: Execute a GQL request that takes long to complete..

Endpoint: /graphql

Parameters: apollo_headers, operations, variables


How do I authenticate with the Apollo GraphQL API?

You can authenticate with the Apollo GraphQL API using an API key or an OAuth token.

What are the rate limits for the Apollo GraphQL API?

The rate limits for the Apollo GraphQL API are 100 requests per second per user.

How do I create a sandbox account for the Apollo GraphQL API?

You can create a sandbox account for the Apollo GraphQL API by signing up for a free account at https://www.apollographql.com/.

How do I create and manage developer accounts for the Apollo GraphQL API?

You can create and manage developer accounts for the Apollo GraphQL API by visiting https://www.apollographql.com/docs/developer-accounts.

How do I handle errors in the Apollo GraphQL API?

You can handle errors in the Apollo GraphQL API by using the <code>errorPolicy</code> option. The <code>errorPolicy</code> option can be set to <code>none</code>, <code>log</code>, or <code>ignore</code>. When <code>errorPolicy</code> is set to <code>none</code>, no errors will be handled. When <code>errorPolicy</code> is set to <code>log</code>, errors will be logged to the console. When <code>errorPolicy</code> is set to <code>ignore</code>, errors will be ignored.

Last Update: September 16, 2024