Asana API

By Abhishek Kumar
3 min read
Enhance your workflows with Asana’s RESTful APIs. Integrate task management, project tracking, and real-time notifications into your applications with robust API features.

Table of Contents

Work anytime, anywhere with Asana. Keep remote and distributed teams, and your entire organization, focused on their goals, projects, and tasks with Asana.

API Overview

Asana is a popular work management platform designed to enhance team collaboration and streamline project execution. It provides a comprehensive suite of features, including task management, project tracking, file sharing, and communication tools. Asana's intuitive interface and customizable workflows allow teams to tailor the platform to their specific needs, fostering efficient and organized work environments. With its ability to centralize project information, assign tasks, track progress, and facilitate seamless collaboration, Asana empowers teams to achieve their goals effectively.

The Asana API offers a robust set of RESTful APIs, enabling developers to integrate Asana's functionality into their own applications or custom workflows. The API documentation provides comprehensive guidance on API usage, including detailed descriptions of endpoints, parameters, and response formats. Developers can leverage webhooks to receive real-time notifications of changes within Asana, ensuring that their applications remain up-to-date with the latest project activity. To prevent excessive API usage, Asana implements rate limits, which restrict the number of API requests that can be made within a specific time frame. Adhering to these limits ensures the stability and performance of the Asana platform for all users.

API Request Limits


100 requests per minute


500 requests per minute


1000 requests per minute


2000 requests per minute




Method: GET

Description: Returns the complete details of a single attachment..

Endpoint: /attachments/{attachment_gid}

Parameters: attachment_gid


Method: POST

Description: Uploads a new file and associates it with the specified task or project..

Endpoint: /attachments

Parameters: parent, file


Method: PUT

Description: Updates the name of an existing file attachment..

Endpoint: /attachments/{attachment_gid}

Parameters: attachment_gid, name


Method: DELETE

Description: Deletes a file attachment..

Endpoint: /attachments/{attachment_gid}

Parameters: attachment_gid


Method: GET

Description: Returns the complete details of a single project..

Endpoint: /projects/{project_gid}

Parameters: project_gid


Method: POST

Description: Creates a new project in the specified workspace..

Endpoint: /projects

Parameters: workspace, name


Method: PUT

Description: Updates the fields of an existing project..

Endpoint: /projects/{project_gid}

Parameters: project_gid, name, notes, archived


Method: DELETE

Description: Archives a project and all of its subprojects..

Endpoint: /projects/{project_gid}

Parameters: project_gid


Method: GET

Description: Returns the complete details of a single task..

Endpoint: /tasks/{task_gid}

Parameters: task_gid


Method: POST

Description: Creates a new task in the specified project or section..

Endpoint: /tasks

Parameters: workspace, name, notes, projects, sections


Method: PUT

Description: Updates the fields of an existing task..

Endpoint: /tasks/{task_gid}

Parameters: task_gid, name, notes, projects, sections


Method: DELETE

Description: Deletes a task..

Endpoint: /tasks/{task_gid}

Parameters: task_gid


Method: GET

Description: Returns the complete details of a single user..

Endpoint: /users/{user_gid}

Parameters: user_gid


Method: PUT

Description: Updates the fields of an existing user..

Endpoint: /users/{user_gid}

Parameters: user_gid, name, email, workspaces, photo


Method: GET

Description: Returns the complete details of a single workspace..

Endpoint: /workspaces/{workspace_gid}

Parameters: workspace_gid


Method: POST

Description: Creates a new workspace..

Endpoint: /workspaces

Parameters: name


Method: PUT

Description: Updates the fields of an existing workspace..

Endpoint: /workspaces/{workspace_gid}

Parameters: workspace_gid, name


Method: DELETE

Description: Archives a workspace..

Endpoint: /workspaces/{workspace_gid}

Parameters: workspace_gid


How do I authenticate with the Asana API?

You can authenticate with the Asana API using an OAuth 2.0 access token. To obtain an access token, you will need to create an Asana developer account and register your application.

What are the rate limits for the Asana API?

The Asana API has rate limits in place to prevent abuse. The default rate limit is 100 requests per minute, per user. You can increase your rate limit by contacting Asana support.

How do I create a sandbox account for testing the Asana API?

You can create a sandbox account by signing up for a free Asana trial. Sandbox accounts are isolated from production data, so you can test your integrations without affecting your live data.

What is the difference between a developer account and a regular Asana account?

A developer account is a special type of Asana account that gives you access to the Asana API. Developer accounts are free to create, and they come with a sandbox account for testing your integrations.

How do I get support for the Asana API?

You can get support for the Asana API by contacting Asana support. Asana support is available 24/7, and they can help you with any questions or issues you may have.

Last Update: September 13, 2024