Table of Contents
Millions of users globally rely on Atlassian products every day for improving software development, project management, collaboration, and code quality.
API Overview
Atlassian is a leading provider of collaboration and productivity software for teams. Its flagship products include Jira, Confluence, Trello, Bitbucket, and Jira Service Management. These tools are used by millions of teams worldwide to plan, track, and manage their work. Atlassian's mission is to unleash the potential of teams by providing them with the tools they need to collaborate effectively, innovate faster, and deliver better results. The company is headquartered in Sydney, Australia, and has offices around the world.
Atlassian's API overview provides a comprehensive set of resources for developers looking to integrate with Atlassian products. The documentation includes detailed API reference guides, tutorials, and code samples. Atlassian's REST APIs are designed to be easy to use and provide access to a wide range of data and functionality. Webhooks allow developers to receive real-time notifications when events occur in Atlassian products. Rate limits are in place to ensure that the APIs are used fairly and to prevent abuse. By providing a robust and well-documented API, Atlassian enables developers to build powerful integrations that extend the functionality of its products and create new and innovative solutions for teams.
API Request Limits
Cloud Standard
10,000 API calls per hour
Cloud Premium
20,000 API calls per hour
Cloud Enterprise
50,000 API calls per hour
No rate limit
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of projects. A project is a set of issues.
Endpoint: filters
Parameters: and permissions.
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of custom field options for a custom field..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/customFieldOption/list
Parameters: customFieldId
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of available issue types..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/issuetype
Method: GET
Description: Gets a field by ID..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/field
Method: GET
Description: Gets the specified project..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/project/PROJECT_KEY_OR_ID
Method: GET
Description: Gets a list of projects that match the search string in the project name..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/project/search
Parameters: query
Method: GET
Description: Gets a list of all issues associated with a project..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/search
Parameters: jql
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of all issues that match the search criteria..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/search
Parameters: jql
Method: GET
Description: Gets a list of all issue types in a project..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes
Method: GET
Description: Gets the metadata for an issue type..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeIdOrKey}
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of issue types that are allowed for the specified project..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/issuetypes/allowed
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of statuses that are allowed for the specified issue..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions
Method: POST
Description: Creates an issue..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/issue
Parameters: fields
Method: POST
Description: Performs a search query against issues..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/search
Parameters: jql
Method: POST
Description: Updates an issue..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}
Parameters: fields
Method: PUT
Description: Updates a comment on an issue..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{commentId}
Parameters: body
Method: PUT
Description: Updates an issue type..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}
Parameters: name, description, iconUrl
Method: PUT
Description: Updates a project..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}
Parameters: name, description, lead, avatarUrl
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes an issue type..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes a project..
Endpoint: /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}
Method: GET
Description: Get all pages.
Endpoint: content in the system.
Parameters: /wiki/rest/api/content
Method: GET
Description: Get the metadata and HTML content for a page in Confluence..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}
Parameters: expand
Method: GET
Description: Get the comments on a Confluence page..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}/comment
Parameters: start, limit
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of all labels..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/label
Method: GET
Description: Gets information about a single content history item..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}/history/{version}
Parameters: expand
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of all pages in a space..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/space/{spaceKey}/content
Parameters: type, title, spaceKey, start, limit
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of all spaces..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/space
Parameters: type, start, limit
Method: GET
Description: Gets a space by its key..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/space/{spaceKey}
Parameters: expand
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of all versions for a page..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}/version
Parameters: start, limit, expand
Method: GET
Description: Gets the list of all watch configurations for a page or space..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/watch
Parameters: pageId, spaceKey
Method: GET
Description: Gets a page's watchers..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}/watch
Parameters: start, limit, expand
Method: POST
Description: Creates a page in the given space..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content
Parameters: title, spaceKey, body, parentId, representation
Method: POST
Description: Creates a comment on a page..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}/comment
Parameters: body
Method: PUT
Description: Updates the page with the given ID..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}
Parameters: title, spaceKey, body, representation
Method: PUT
Description: Updates the labels on a page..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}/label
Parameters: labels
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes a page..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes a comment on a page..
Endpoint: /wiki/rest/api/content/{contentId}/comment/{commentId}
Method: GET
Description: Gets a list of all comments on the given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}/comments
Method: GET
Description: Gets a paginated list of commits from a repository..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/commits
Parameters: page
Method: GET
Description: Gets the details of a specific commit..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/commit/{commit}
Method: GET
Description: Gets a paginated list of issues on the given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}/issues
Parameters: page
Method: GET
Description: Gets a paginated list of all the pull requests in a repository..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests
Parameters: state, sort, page
Method: GET
Description: Gets the details of a given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}
Method: GET
Description: Gets a paginated list of all the repositories in a workspace..
Endpoint: /2.0/workspaces/{workspace}/repositories
Parameters: page
Method: GET
Description: Gets a list of all labels on the given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}/labels
Method: GET
Description: Gets the details of a specific user..
Endpoint: /2.0/users/{username}
Method: GET
Description: Gets a paginated list of all the teams in a workspace..
Endpoint: /2.0/teams
Parameters: page
Method: GET
Description: Gets a paginated list of all the workspaces in which the user has access..
Endpoint: /2.0/workspaces
Parameters: page
Method: GET
Description: Gets the details of a specific workspace..
Endpoint: /2.0/workspaces/{workspace}
Method: POST
Description: Creates the given issue for the given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}/issues
Parameters: title, content, kind
Method: POST
Description: Creates a comment on the given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}/comments
Parameters: content
Method: POST
Description: Creates a new pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests
Parameters: title, source, destination, description, reviewers, close_source_branch
Method: POST
Description: Adds/Removes labels on the given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}/labels
Parameters: labels
Method: PUT
Description: Updates the title.
Endpoint: description
Parameters: destination branch
Method: PUT
Description: Updates the specified label on the given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}/labels/{label_id}
Parameters: name, color
Method: DELETE
Description: Deletes the specified label on the given pull request..
Endpoint: /2.0/repositories/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pullrequests/{pullrequest_id}/labels/{label_id}
What is the authentication process for Atlassian APIs?
Atlassian APIs use OAuth 2.0 for authentication. You'll need to create an API token and use it in your API requests.
Are there any rate limits for using Atlassian APIs?
Yes, there are rate limits in place to prevent abuse of the APIs. The specific limits vary depending on the API and your subscription plan.
How can I get a sandbox account to test Atlassian APIs?
You can create a sandbox account at
What is the difference between a developer account and a production account?
A developer account is for testing and development purposes, while a production account is for use in live, production environments.
How can I get help if I encounter issues while using Atlassian APIs?
You can get help from the Atlassian Developer Community at