Basecamp API

By Abhishek Kumar
3 min read
Integrate with Basecamp using REST APIs. Access project, task, file management, and messaging. Real-time updates via webhooks. Rate limits ensure stability.

Table of Contents

Trusted by millions, Basecamp puts everything you need to get work done in one place. It’s the calm, organized way to manage projects, work with clients, and communicate company-wide.

API Overview

Basecamp is a project management and collaboration tool that helps teams stay organized and productive. It offers a suite of features, including task management, file sharing, messaging, scheduling, and time tracking. Basecamp's user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it easy for teams to get started and collaborate effectively. It is a cloud-based application, accessible from any device with an internet connection, enabling remote teams to work seamlessly together. Basecamp also provides mobile apps for iOS and Android, allowing users to stay connected and manage projects on the go.

Basecamp API overview: The Basecamp API is a RESTful API that allows developers to integrate Basecamp with other applications and services. The API provides access to all of Basecamp's features, including project management, task management, file sharing, messaging, and time tracking. The API is well-documented and easy to use, with a variety of code samples and tutorials available. Basecamp also offers a webhook service that allows developers to receive real-time notifications when changes are made to projects or tasks. The API has rate limits in place to prevent abuse, and developers can monitor their usage through the API dashboard.

API Request Limits


1000 requests per hour


5000 requests per hour


10000 requests per hour




Method: GET

Description: Returns a paginated list of projects of the specified type..

Endpoint: projects

Parameters: active, name, due_on, description, owner_id, client_id


Method: POST

Description: Creates a new project..

Endpoint: projects

Parameters: name, description, client_id


Method: PUT

Description: Updates the project identified by the given ID..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id

Parameters: name, description, due_on


Method: DELETE

Description: Deletes the given project..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id



Method: GET

Description: Returns a paginated list of to-dos that match the specified criteria..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id/todos

Parameters: completed, creator_id, assignee_id, priority


Method: POST

Description: Creates a new to-do..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id/todos

Parameters: content, description, created_at, due_at, assignee_id, priority


Method: PUT

Description: Updates the to-do identified by the given ID..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id/todos/:todo_id

Parameters: content, completed, description, created_at, due_at, assignee_id, priority


Method: DELETE

Description: Deletes the given to-do..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id/todos/:todo_id



Method: GET

Description: Returns a paginated list of comments that match the specified criteria..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id/comments

Parameters: commentable_id, commentable_type, author_id, created_at


Method: POST

Description: Creates a new comment on the specified resource..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id/comments

Parameters: commentable_id, commentable_type, content, author_id


Method: PUT

Description: Updates the comment identified by the given ID..

Endpoint: comments/:comment_id

Parameters: content


Method: DELETE

Description: Deletes the given comment..

Endpoint: comments/:comment_id



Method: GET

Description: Returns a paginated list of attachments that match the specified criteria..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id/attachments

Parameters: attachable_id, attachable_type, content_type, created_at


Method: POST

Description: Creates a new attachment on the specified resource..

Endpoint: projects/:project_id/attachments

Parameters: attachable_id, attachable_type, content


Method: DELETE

Description: Deletes the given attachment..

Endpoint: attachments/:attachment_id



How do I authenticate with the Basecamp APIs?

To authenticate with the Basecamp APIs, you'll need to use OAuth 2.0. You can find more information on how to do this in our documentation.

What are the rate limits for the Basecamp APIs?

The rate limits for the Basecamp APIs vary depending on the endpoint. You can find more information on the rate limits in our documentation.

How do I create a sandbox account for testing the Basecamp APIs?

You can create a sandbox account by signing up for a free trial of Basecamp. Once you have created a sandbox account, you can use the API key and secret to authenticate with the APIs.

How do I get a developer account for the Basecamp APIs?

To get a developer account for the Basecamp APIs, you'll need to sign up for a free trial of Basecamp. Once you have created a developer account, you'll have access to the API documentation and support.

What is the difference between a Basecamp account and a Basecamp API account?

A Basecamp account is used to access the Basecamp web application. A Basecamp API account is used to access the Basecamp APIs. You can create a Basecamp API account by signing up for a free trial of Basecamp.

Last Update: September 13, 2024