Table of Contents
Capsule CRM is a hosted CRM for keeping track of your clients and prospects online. Add tasks, track communication logs, and close deals in your pipeline faster with Capsule CRM.
API Overview
Capsule CRM is a cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) solution designed for small businesses. It offers a range of features to help businesses manage their customer interactions, including contact management, lead tracking, opportunity management, and reporting. Capsule CRM is easy to use and affordable, making it a great option for small businesses that are looking for a CRM solution.
Capsule CRM API overview: The Capsule CRM API is a RESTful API that allows developers to integrate Capsule CRM with other applications. The API provides access to all of the data and functionality of Capsule CRM, including contacts, leads, opportunities, and reports. The API is well-documented and easy to use, making it a great option for developers who want to build integrations with Capsule CRM. The API also supports webhooks, which allow developers to receive real-time notifications when data in Capsule CRM changes. The API has rate limits in place to prevent abuse, and developers should be aware of these limits when using the API.
API Request Limits
100 requests per hour
1,000 requests per hour
5,000 requests per hour
10,000 requests per hour
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of accounts..
Endpoint: /api/accounts
Parameters: account_type, created_at, id, name, notes, owner, updated_at
Method: POST
Description: Create an account..
Endpoint: /api/accounts
Parameters: account_type, address, address_2, business_phone, city, country, created_at, description, email, fax, id, industry, last_contacted_at, name, notes, number_of_employees, owner, parent_account_id, postal_code, state, status, tax_number, terms, type, updated_at, website
Method: PUT
Description: Update an account..
Endpoint: /api/accounts/:id
Parameters: account_type, address, address_2, business_phone, city, country, created_at, description, email, fax, id, industry, last_contacted_at, name, notes, number_of_employees, owner, parent_account_id, postal_code, state, status, tax_number, terms, type, updated_at, website
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete an account..
Endpoint: /api/accounts/:id
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of activities..
Endpoint: /api/activities
Parameters: assigned_by, assigned_to, category_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, date, description, due_date, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, priority, project_id, recurrence, recurrence_interval, recurrence_rule, status, type, updated_at
Method: POST
Description: Create an activity..
Endpoint: /api/activities
Parameters: assigned_by, assigned_to, category_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, date, description, due_date, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, priority, project_id, recurrence, recurrence_interval, recurrence_rule, status, type, updated_at
Method: PUT
Description: Update an activity..
Endpoint: /api/activities/:id
Parameters: assigned_by, assigned_to, category_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, date, description, due_date, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, priority, project_id, recurrence, recurrence_interval, recurrence_rule, status, type, updated_at
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete an activity..
Endpoint: /api/activities/:id
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of attachments..
Endpoint: /api/attachments
Parameters: case_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, filename, id, lead_id, name, notes, owner, project_id, size, task_id, uploaded_by, url
Method: POST
Description: Create an attachment..
Endpoint: /api/attachments
Parameters: case_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, filename, id, lead_id, name, notes, owner, project_id, size, task_id, uploaded_by, url
Method: PUT
Description: Update an attachment..
Endpoint: /api/attachments/:id
Parameters: case_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, filename, id, lead_id, name, notes, owner, project_id, size, task_id, uploaded_by, url
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete an attachment..
Endpoint: /api/attachments/:id
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of cases..
Endpoint: /api/cases
Parameters: assigned_to, category_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, description, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, parent_case_id, priority, project_id, resolution, status, type, updated_at
Method: POST
Description: Create a case..
Endpoint: /api/cases
Parameters: assigned_to, category_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, description, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, parent_case_id, priority, project_id, resolution, status, type, updated_at
Method: PUT
Description: Update a case..
Endpoint: /api/cases/:id
Parameters: assigned_to, category_id, company_id, contact_id, created_at, description, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, parent_case_id, priority, project_id, resolution, status, type, updated_at
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a case..
Endpoint: /api/cases/:id
Method: GET
Description: List all categories..
Endpoint: /:resource_type/:resource_id/categories
Parameters: id
Method: POST
Description: Create a category..
Endpoint: /:resource_type/:resource_id/categories
Parameters: description, id, name
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a category..
Endpoint: /:resource_type/:resource_id/categories/:category_id
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of companies..
Endpoint: /api/companies
Parameters: account_id, address, address_2, city, country, created_at, custom_field_values, description, email, fax, id, industry, last_contacted_at, name, notes, number_of_employees, owner, postal_code, state, status, tax_number, type, updated_at, website
Method: POST
Description: Create a company..
Endpoint: /api/companies
Parameters: account_id, address, address_2, city, country, created_at, custom_field_values, description, email, fax, id, industry, last_contacted_at, name, notes, number_of_employees, owner, postal_code, state, status, tax_number, type, updated_at, website
Method: PUT
Description: Update a company..
Endpoint: /api/companies/:id
Parameters: account_id, address, address_2, city, country, created_at, custom_field_values, description, email, fax, id, industry, last_contacted_at, name, notes, number_of_employees, owner, postal_code, state, status, tax_number, type, updated_at, website
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a company..
Endpoint: /api/companies/:id
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of contacts..
Endpoint: /api/contacts
Parameters: company_id, created_at, date_of_birth, description, email, fax, first_name, id, job_title, last_contacted_at, last_name, middle_name, mobile_phone, name, notes, owner, skype, status, tags, type, updated_at, website
Method: POST
Description: Create a contact..
Endpoint: /api/contacts
Parameters: company_id, created_at, date_of_birth, description, email, fax, first_name, id, job_title, last_contacted_at, last_name, middle_name, mobile_phone, name, notes, owner, skype, status, tags, type, updated_at, website
Method: PUT
Description: Update a contact..
Endpoint: /api/contacts/:id
Parameters: company_id, created_at, date_of_birth, description, email, fax, first_name, id, job_title, last_contacted_at, last_name, middle_name, mobile_phone, name, notes, owner, skype, status, tags, type, updated_at, website
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a contact..
Endpoint: /api/contacts/:id
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of deals..
Endpoint: /api/deals
Parameters: assigned_by, assigned_to, company_id, contact_id, created_at, currency, description, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, probability, project_id, stage_id, status, total, updated_at
Method: POST
Description: Create a deal..
Endpoint: /api/deals
Parameters: assigned_by, assigned_to, company_id, contact_id, created_at, currency, description, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, probability, project_id, stage_id, status, total, updated_at
Method: PUT
Description: Update a deal..
Endpoint: /api/deals/:id
Parameters: assigned_by, assigned_to, company_id, contact_id, created_at, currency, description, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, name, notes, owner, probability, project_id, stage_id, status, total, updated_at
Method: DELETE
Description: Delete a deal..
Endpoint: /api/deals/:id
Method: GET
Description: Get a list of events..
Endpoint: /api/events
Parameters: assigned_by, assigned_to, company_id, contact_id, created_at, date, description, due_date, end_date, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, location, name, notes, owner, priority, project_id, recurrence, recurrence_interval, recurrence_rule, reminder_email, reminder_method, reminder_sent, reminder_time, status, type, updated_at
Method: POST
Description: Create an event..
Endpoint: /api/events
Parameters: assigned_by, assigned_to, company_id, contact_id, created_at, date, description, due_date, end_date, id, last_contacted_at, last_updated, location, name, notes, owner, priority, project_id, recurrence, recurrence_interval, recurrence_rule, reminder_email, reminder_method, reminder
How do I authenticate to the Capsule CRM API?
You can authenticate using OAuth 2.0. Register for a developer account to obtain client ID and secret.
What are the rate limits for the Capsule CRM API?
The API has a rate limit of 100 requests per minute. Exceeding this limit may result in errors.
Can I use a sandbox account for development?
Yes, you can create a sandbox account to test the API without affecting live data.
How do I get support for the Capsule CRM API?
You can access documentation, tutorials, and community forums on the Capsule CRM developer portal.
What is the difference between a developer account and a live account?
A developer account is used for testing and development purposes, while a live account is used for managing real-world CRM data.