Drift API

By Abhishek Kumar
5 min read
Drift transforms website traffic into qualified leads with live chat and AI-driven bots. Use the Drift API for seamless integration and real-time customer engagement

Table of Contents

Drift is the leading conversational marketing platform. With Drift on your website, you can turn your traffic into qualified meetings using our bots 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

API Overview

Drift is a conversational marketing and sales platform that helps businesses connect with their customers in real-time. It offers a suite of tools that enable companies to engage with website visitors, qualify leads, and close deals. Drift's live chat feature allows businesses to chat with website visitors in real-time, answer questions, and provide support. The platform also includes a chatbot that can be used to automate conversations and qualify leads. Drift's lead scoring and routing capabilities help businesses prioritize and route leads to the right sales reps. Additionally, Drift offers integrations with popular CRM and marketing automation platforms, making it easy to manage customer data and track marketing campaigns.

Drift API provides a comprehensive set of REST APIs, webhooks, and documentation to enable developers to integrate Drift with their own applications and systems. The API documentation provides detailed information on all available endpoints, request and response formats, and code samples. The REST APIs allow developers to perform various actions, such as creating and managing conversations, sending messages, and retrieving lead information. Webhooks can be used to receive real-time notifications when certain events occur, such as when a new conversation is created or a message is received. Drift also imposes rate limits to ensure the stability and performance of the platform. Developers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the API documentation and rate limits to ensure optimal integration.

API Request Limits


10,000 API calls per month


25,000 API calls per month


50,000 API calls per month



Method: get

Description: Returns the conversation with the given ID..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}

Parameters: conversationId


Method: post

Description: Create a new conversation..

Endpoint: v2/conversations

Parameters: background_mode, labels, tags, users


Method: get

Description: Returns a message with the given ID..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId}

Parameters: messageId


Method: post

Description: Create a new message..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}/messages

Parameters: body, client_message_id, conversation_id, labels, use_custom_avatar


Method: get

Description: Returns the contact with the given ID..

Endpoint: v2/contacts/{contactId}

Parameters: contactId


Method: post

Description: Create a new contact..

Endpoint: v2/contacts

Parameters: background_mode, labels, tags, users


Method: get

Description: Returns the note with the given ID..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}/timeline/notes/{noteId}

Parameters: noteId


Method: post

Description: Create a new note..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}/timeline/notes

Parameters: body, client_created_at, client_id, created_at, tags, type, user


Method: get

Description: Returns the tag with the given ID..

Endpoint: v2/tags/{tagId}

Parameters: tagId


Method: post

Description: Create a new tag..

Endpoint: v2/tags

Parameters: background_mode, color, description, enabled, name


Method: patch

Description: Update a tag..

Endpoint: v2/tags/{tagId}

Parameters: background_mode, color, description, enabled, name


Method: delete

Description: Delete a tag..

Endpoint: v2/tags/{tagId}

Parameters: tagId


Method: patch

Description: Update a conversation..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}

Parameters: assigned_user_id, custom_attributes, labels, tags, workflow_id


Method: delete

Description: Delete a conversation..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}

Parameters: conversationId


Method: get

Description: Return a list of conversations..

Endpoint: v2/conversations

Parameters: archived, assigned_user_id, created_at, custom_attributes, deleted, direction, email, id, integration, last_activity_at, last_message_sent_at, labels, member_count, participants, reply_subject, resolved_at, tags, title, updated_at, workflow_id


Method: patch

Description: Update a contact..

Endpoint: v2/contacts/{contactId}

Parameters: assigned_user_id, background_mode, custom_attributes, email, labels, tags


Method: delete

Description: Delete a contact..

Endpoint: v2/contacts/{contactId}

Parameters: contactId


Method: post

Description: Create a new conversation from scratch..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/create

Parameters: assigned_user_id, background_mode, custom_attributes, email, labels, tags, title


Method: patch

Description: Update a message..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}/messages/{messageId}

Parameters: body, labels, reply, type


Method: get

Description: Returns a list of company contacts..

Endpoint: v2/companies/{companyId}/people

Parameters: scope, search


Method: get

Description: Returns a list of company teams..

Endpoint: v2/companies/{companyId}/teams

Parameters: scope, search


Method: get

Description: Returns the meeting with the given ID..

Endpoint: v2/meetings/{meetingId}

Parameters: meetingId


Method: post

Description: Create a new meeting..

Endpoint: v2/meetings

Parameters: conversation_id, created_by, duration, start_at, updated_by


Method: patch

Description: Updates the meeting with the given ID..

Endpoint: v2/meetings/{meetingId}

Parameters: conversation_id, duration, ended_at, location, notes, participant_ids, start_at, subject, updated_by


Method: delete

Description: Deletes the meeting with the given ID..

Endpoint: v2/meetings/{meetingId}

Parameters: meetingId


Method: get

Description: Returns a list of meetings..

Endpoint: v2/meetings

Parameters: created_after, created_before, created_by, direction, duration, ended_at, event_type, id, in_progress, location, notes, participant_ids, participants, start_after, start_before, start_at, subject, updated_by, updated_since, use_precise_filters


Method: get

Description: Returns the contact with the email. If the contact does not exist.

Endpoint: a new contact will not be created. Do not use this method to update email addresses.

Parameters: v2/contacts/match-email


Method: post

Description: Create a new contact from a raw email address. If the contact already exists.

Endpoint: it will be updated.

Parameters: v2/contacts/raw


Method: patch

Description: Update a note..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}/timeline/notes/{noteId}

Parameters: body, closed, created_at, labels, tags, type


Method: get

Description: Returns a list of contacts..

Endpoint: v2/contacts

Parameters: background_mode, custom_attributes, email, labels, search, tags, workflow_id


Method: post

Description: Create a new meeting participant..

Endpoint: v2/meetings/{meetingId}/participants

Parameters: email, first_name, last_name


Method: get

Description: Return a list of conversations by status..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/status/{status}

Parameters: archived, status


Method: patch

Description: Updates Driftbot's message..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}/driftbot

Parameters: body, labels


Method: post

Description: Creates interaction with Driftbot..

Endpoint: v2/conversations/{conversationId}/driftbot/trigger

Parameters: action_id, conversation_id, payload


What is the rate limit for the Drift API?

The rate limit is 100 requests per minute per user.

Do you have a sandbox account for testing purposes?

Yes, we do. You can create a sandbox account by signing up for a free trial.

How do I authenticate to the Drift API?

You can authenticate to the Drift API using OAuth 2.0.

How do I create a developer account?

You can create a developer account by signing up for a free trial and then following the instructions in our documentation.

What is the difference between a developer account and a regular account?

A developer account gives you access to additional features and tools, such as the ability to create and manage apps.

Last Update: September 05, 2024