Table of Contents
Google Analytics lets you measure your advertising ROI as well as track your Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications.
API Overview
Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics tool that provides insights into website traffic and user behavior. It offers a comprehensive suite of features, including real-time reporting, audience segmentation, conversion tracking, and advanced analysis capabilities. Google Analytics helps businesses understand their website's performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their online presence. It is widely used by businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises, to gain valuable insights into their website's effectiveness and make informed decisions about their digital marketing strategies.
The Google Analytics API provides programmatic access to the vast data and insights available in Google Analytics. It enables developers to integrate Google Analytics data into their own applications, automate tasks, and build custom solutions tailored to their specific needs. The API offers a range of features, including REST APIs for retrieving and manipulating data, webhooks for receiving real-time updates, and rate limits to ensure fair usage of the API. Extensive documentation is available to guide developers through the API's capabilities, making it easy to get started and leverage the power of Google Analytics data. By utilizing the Google Analytics API, developers can unlock new possibilities for data analysis, automation, and customization, empowering them to gain even deeper insights and drive more effective digital marketing strategies.
API Request Limits
10 queries per second, 10 concurrent connections
50 queries per second, 25 concurrent connections
100 queries per second, 50 concurrent connections
Method: Get
Description: Queries multiple properties or dimensions. Aggregates rows with the same dimension values..
Endpoint: v4/reports:batchGet
Parameters: dimensions, endDate, filter, hideEmptyRows, includeEmptyRows, limit, maxResults, metricFilter, orderBy, pageToken, pageSize, segment, startDate, useResourceQuotas
Method: Get
Description: Queries data from multiple properties..
Endpoint: v4/reports:multiPropertyReport
Parameters: dimensions, endDate, filter, hideEmptyRows, includeEmptyRows, limit, maxResults, metricFilter, orderBy, pageToken, pageSize, propertyIds, segment, startDate, useResourceQuotas
Method: Get
Description: Queries data from a single property. This method should be used only as a fallback when the batchGet method is unavailable..
Endpoint: v4/reports:report
Parameters: dimensions, endDate, filter, hideEmptyRows, includeEmptyRows, limit, maxResults, metricFilter, orderBy, pageToken, pageSize, segment, startDate, useResourceQuotas
Method: Get
Description: Get metadata for a view (profile)..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/dimensions:list
Parameters: auth_token, view_id
Method: Get
Description: Get a custom dimension..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customDimensions:get
Parameters: auth_token, customDimensionId
Method: Get
Description: List custom dimensions to which the user has access..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customDimensions:list
Parameters: auth_token, max_results, page_token
Method: Get
Description: Updates an existing custom dimension..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customDimensions:patch
Parameters: auth_token, customDimensionId
Method: Get
Description: Create a new custom dimension..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customDimensions:create
Parameters: auth_token, customDimension
Method: Get
Description: List custom metrics to which the user has access..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customMetrics:list
Parameters: auth_token, max_results, page_token
Method: Get
Description: Get a custom metric..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customMetrics:get
Parameters: auth_token, customMetricId
Method: Get
Description: Updates an existing custom metric..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customMetrics:patch
Parameters: auth_token, customMetricId
Method: Get
Description: Create a new custom metric..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customMetrics:create
Parameters: auth_token, customMetric
Method: Get
Description: Delete a custom dimension..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customDimensions:delete
Parameters: auth_token, customDimensionId
Method: Get
Description: Delete a custom metric..
Endpoint: v4/metadata/customMetrics:delete
Parameters: auth_token, customMetricId
Method: Get
Description: Async data request.
Endpoint: v4/reports:batchGetReports
Parameters: startDate, endDate, dimensions, dimensionFilter, metricFilter, viewId, dateRanges, metrics, dimensionFilterClauses, includeEmptyRows, segment, sort, useResourceQuotas, dimensionCombinations, aggregationType, preserveTotals, returnPropertyQuota
Method: Get
Description: Get data for a view (profile).
Endpoint: v4/reports:getReports
Parameters: startDate, endDate, dimensions, dimensionFilter, metricFilter, viewId, dateRanges, metrics, dimensionFilterClauses, includeEmptyRows, segment, sort, useResourceQuotas, dimensionCombinations, aggregationType, preserveTotals, returnPropertyQuota
How do I access my analytics data using Google Analytics APIs?
You can access and manage your Google Analytics data using the Google Analytics APIs. These APIs provide programmatic access to your Analytics data, allowing you to build custom applications and integrations.
How do I authenticate to use the Google Analytics APIs?
To authenticate to the Google Analytics APIs, you can use OAuth 2.0. This authentication method provides a secure and standardized way to access your data.
What are the rate limits for the Google Analytics APIs?
The Google Analytics APIs have rate limits in place to ensure the stability and performance of the service. These limits vary depending on the API method you are using.
Can I use a sandbox account to test the Google Analytics APIs?
Yes, you can use a sandbox account to test your integrations with the Google Analytics APIs. Sandbox accounts provide a safe environment to experiment with the APIs without affecting your production data.
How do I create a developer account for the Google Analytics APIs?
You can create a developer account for the Google Analytics APIs by visiting the Google Developers Console. This account will allow you to access the APIs and manage your projects.